Korpa je prazna.

Iz liste karakteristika odaberite one koje možete tačno indetifikovati.

Mutinus caninus

Torus developing from egg,white ocher color,stem is long,white and orange color conical cap is olive in color,later orange color,spongy structure, growing in deciduous forests in summer.

Mutinus ravanellii

Torus developing from egg, white color,the stem is long,white and pink color,conical head is olive green,and later pink colo, spongy structure,growing in summer in the parks and gardens.

Phallus hadriani

Torus developing from white egg,egg is smooth surfaces and irregularly grooved, pink color,white stem with conical head and dark olive green color, slimy structures,growing in late summer on sandy soils in coastal areas.

Phallus impudicus

Torus developing from white egg,on the basis of has a small roots,a white membrane from which growing a white stem,surface a stem is flaky,meat or cap is conical shape and olive green color,gelatinosa structure,growing in late summer and early autumn in moist deciduous forests.

Ptychoverpa bohemica

Torus consisting of a cap and stem.Cap is a bell shape,outer surface is irregularly sinuous like a intestine,varies from light to dark brown in color,the stem is a ocher color,growing in early spring in deciduous forests.

Verpa digitaliformis

Torus consisting of a cap and stem. Cap is a bell shape, the upper interior side cap is connected to the stem, the outer side is smooth or irregularly grooved, ocher brown color, stem is white color, growing in spring flows to rivers and ponds.