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Amanita annulosulphurea

Cap is a widespread, gray-brown or reddish gray, mealy surface,stem of the light gray with reddish shades,has hanging ring is yellow color,growing in moist coniferous forests from summer to autumn.

Amanita aspera

Cap is convex then widespread,yellowish or yellowish brown color, rough surface,a stem of cream yellow color,covered with yellowish scales,has hanging ring,growing in coniferous and deciduous forests in the summer.

Amanita aspera var Francheti


Amanita aureola

Cap is convex then widespread,red or orange-red color,stem of of white color,has hanging ring,grows in deciduous and coniferous forests in summer and autumn,rare species.

Amanita battarrae

Dvobojna preslica.Klobuk je zvonolik zatim raširen , tupo ispupčen,sivo smeđe boje ,rub je narebren ,stručak je bijele boje, pahuljičaste površine ,osnova je obavijena bijelim ,visokim i trajnim ovojem,raste na proplancima i livadama uz šume u ljeto i jesen,u primorju.