Torus is round, hard and wide,the surface is small wart,dark rusty brown to brown, meat is gray pink later chocolate brown color,growing in the surface soil in deciduous and coniferous forests.
Torus was round as a tuber,the surface torus is whitish,on the touch becomes brown colors,the meat is light brown color, growing in the fall and winter,buried into the ground in deciduous forests.
Torus was round as a tuber, on the basis of a neither mycelium,is the torus surface of whitish to gray-brown colors,the meat is brown with a purple shade,growing in the fall and winter,buried into the ground in deciduous forests.
Torus is round or irregular shapes,based on rhisomorphs are white,surface of the torus is whitish yellow with brown spots,the meat is gray to olive-brown color,growing in the summer and autumn in the deciduous forests.
Torus is round,broad,shaped like a flattened on top,wrapped in a double sheath,whitish to creamy white color,growing to 50 cm wide,growing in the summer and early autumn the meadows and pastures,along the edge of forests,bushes,along the forest paths.
Torus has a circular shape and wide,on the basis of is a thick radicle,the surface is a whitish color,wart or scaly,below the surface layer is a creamy white to beige color,growing in late summer on the ground in coniferous forests in the southern regions.
Torus is round or pear-shaped,the lower part has a grooved or conical stem,light or dark brown colored,brown surface has spikes like a hedgehog,in late summergrowing in coniferous and deciduous forests.
Torus has a circular shape,flattened head, base too sharp a point ends,the surface is a whitish color,covered with white spikes,inner layer cracks,and takes the appearance of paper,in late summer,growing in large groups of meadows and pastures.
Torus has a pear-shaped form,the head is round, stem is conical,the surface is covered with a layer of wool flaky,and later layer shoots and remain wide mealy warts per stalk and head,cream-white to beige color,growing in late summer on grass and fallen leaves in deciduous forests.